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CCS Update

6th October 2024


There have been some changes in our administration/patient services team. Anne Lyle has retired and we welcome Lorna Woolley and Jannette Lane to the team. Darcey Jarrett has also joined our clinical team as a clinic assistant.


Unfortunately the Mansfield Suite sustained damage to the front elevation earlier in the year when a car collided with the building. Whilst the lengthily claim and repair process is being completed we must ask that patients visiting our Medstead clinics wait in the main GP waiting area as the waiting area in the Mansfield Suite is closed until the remedial work is completed.


Our lead cardiac physiologist Helen Tatner has been visiting local surgeries to ensure that they get the most out of their ECG machine and this has been very well received.


CCS Update

25th February 2024


We welcome Tracey Borner to our team who will be assisting the doctors in clinic.


There is now a patient information media display in the Mansfield Suite waiting room at Medstead. This will display information about the various heart tests performed by our service as well as more general health information.


There has been a large increase in referrals for 24 hour blood pressure monitoring as a result a new community pharmacy initiative offering spot BP checks at pharmacies. We have responded by adding an extra BP monitor clinic every week.

CCS Update

25th June 2023


Dr Pal is now running clinics at Mansfield Park Surgery and also Charlton Hill Surgery in Andover. This is an exciting development which will increase our capacity to see patients in the Andover locality.


We also welcome Katy Arnold to our team who will be assisting the doctors in clinic.


Finally we have now completed a 3 month patient survey and the results can be found here. We are delighted with the positive responses and kind feedback that we have received.

CCS Update

28th January 2023


We are very excited to welcome Dr Anirban Pal to our team. Dr Pal trained in North East Hampshire and will now be running clinics at Mansfield Park Surgery on a Wednesday. We are also delighted that Dr Chris Arden will be running extra clinics on a Monday also at Mansfield Park. These new clinics will allow us to provide a faster medical opinion for patients referred to our service.


A big thank-you to East Sussex Community Cardiology Service which has donated us 6 Holter ECG monitors. We will put them to good use complimenting our existing monitor line up.


We are also excited to be involved in a trial of Biosensor 7 day ECG monitors with the LifeSignals group.

CCS Clinic Update

6th December 2022


For the next 2 months we will be running 3 blood pressure clinics a month at our Andover site and just 1 at Medstead. This is in response to current variations in the geographical demand for blood pressure monitoring. 

CCS Team Update

29th May 2022


We are delighted to welcome both Anne Lyle and Ellen Barnes to our administration team.

CCS Team Update

16th January 2022


We are delighted to have appointed Justine Bottomley as a new administration assistant. Justine started last month and is busy learning all about the service as she settles into her new role.


Unfortunately our longstanding administration assistant Clare is moving onto new pastures and left the service on the 11th January. We would like to extend our thanks to Clare for all her hard work over the past 5 years and we wish her well for the future.


We are also very fortunate to have Dr Ben Neate hosting 2 clinics for us in December and January. Ben is an experienced Cardiology GPSI based in Ringwood and also works in Poole Hospital. We hope that Ben will enjoy his time with us and want to come back for more sessions in the future!


Job vacancy

7th October 2021


We are currently advertising for an administration assistant. Please click here for more details. This vacancy has arisen due to the increased administrative workload as we continue to expand our service.


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Echo clinic update

7th October 2021


The Chandlers Ford echo clinic is now running again. We are please to welcome another cardiac physiologist, Chantelle Henderson to our team. Chantelle with join Lucy in providing echo clinics at Mansfield Park Surgery and she will run the Chandlers Ford clinic.


We are once again helping our local hospitals (Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust) to address their backlog of echocardiograms. This has arisen as a direct result of the COVID pandemic. Patients will be seen in our echo clinics and the echo result sent back to the referring hospital consultant.


Clinic changes

13th April 2021


The Wickham clinics will be suspended from May 2021 for a period of approximately 3-4 months due to building work taking place on the Wickham Surgery site. We will offer extra clinics at Mansfield Park Surgery during this time.

The echo only clinic at Chandlers Ford will stop from the 1st April and will be replaced with regular doctor led clinics in the afternoon.

Coronavirus update

21st February 2021


All of our team now perform regular lateral flow testing for COVID-19. Our team have all been offered the COVID-19 vaccination. We use disposable monitor pouches to hold our Holter ECG and BP monitors. All equipment and reusable pouches are cleaned after use with Clinell wipes which are effective in killing Coronavirus.

New location for echo clinics

1st September 2020


On the 7th of September we are launching a second cardiac physiologist led echo clinic to complement the current clinic which runs at Mansfield Park Surgery. The new clinic will run at Park Surgery in Chandlers Ford which also hosts our Saturday morning and Monday afternoon doctor clinics. A location map can be found here.


Patient services team update

1st September 2020


Charlotte will be leaving the team on the 21st September to concentrate on working for the GP service at Mansfield Park. We are grateful to her for her efforts over the past 3 years. Clare and Jackie will continue in their current roles.


Community Service helps relieve COVID pressure on Hospital

5th August 2020


Our service is now seeing patients from Hampshire Hospital Trust (HHFT) who are waiting for an echocardiogram. This will help relieve the pressure on the hospital system which has become quite intense during the Coronavirus pandemic. We are delighted to be able to help in reducing the hospital waiting lists.

Clinic assistant appointed

14th April 2020


We are pleased to announce that Sarah Lawson has been appointed as our new clinic assistant and started working with us on the 2nd April. Sarah is an experienced health care assistant and also works in the hospital. Welcome to the team Sarah.

Job vacancy

3rd February 2020


We are currently advertising for a clinic assistant. Please click here for more details. This vacancy has arisen due to the exciting news that Elliott our current assistant has secured a place as a trainee cardiac physiologist and will be leaving at the end of March. We wish Elliott all the best with the next stage in his career.



Website launched

26th January 2020


Launch of a dedicated website for the Mid Hampshire community cardiology service. The site includes details about the service, information for patients and clinicians. The site will be updated with further information as the service develops and evolves.



Clinic assistant appointed

1st July 2019


Elliott Dewey has been appointed by the community cardiology service. Elliott will help the doctors in clinic and perform 12 lead ECGs as well as height, weight and BP measurements. He will also run the monitor clinics on occasion.



Echo clinics launched

23rd April 2019


We have launched a specialist clinic led by a highly trained cardiac physiologist. In this clinic an echocardiogram with be performed and reported. This will be reviewed by one of the cardiology doctors who will then write back to the referring GP with the result or arrange for a further review in the doctors clinic. This clinic is currently only hosted at Mansfield Park Surgery in Medstead.



Correspondence Address:

Community Cardiology Service,

Mansfield Park Surgery,

Lymington Bottom Road,

Medstead GU34 5EW

Contact us on 01420 560 817

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