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To Refer A Patient


Complete a referral form here and attach a recent:

  • ECG

  • Relevant Blood Tests - please include a NT-pro BNP for all suspected heart failure referrals


All referrals to the service must be sent by ERS.

Select: WHCCG New Community Cardiology RAS Service - MHH - ARA01


All referrals will be triaged by one of the service clinicians with 3 possible outcomes:

1. Accepted to the service and allocated to the appropriate community cardiology clinic (doctor, monitor or echo)

2. Redirected to the hospital cardiology service.

3. Returned with advice - if a referral appears inappropriate or requires advice only then we will return it with suitable explanation.


The clinicians working for The Community Cardiology Service will inform you of any necessary prescribing.


Please note: we cannot accept referrals which are incomplete or do not have a recent ECG and relevant blood tests. This will delay patient triage and potentially affect waiting times for appointments.


Please let us know on the referral form of any special accessibility requirements, e.g. language spoken and if they will be able to bring own interpreter, signing requirements etc.


Following Referral


Following a visit to the community cardiology service, GPs are sent a letter or report clearly stating final diagnosis, management plan and onward referral where necessary within five days of completion of investigations.

Letters are emailed to the referring practice nominated NHS email address.

It is very important that you notify us of any change in your preferred email address.


Correspondence Address:

Community Cardiology Service,

Mansfield Park Surgery,

Lymington Bottom Road,

Medstead GU34 5EW

Contact us on 01420 560 817

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